Our Mission


The mission of the Bioinspired Light-Escalated Chemistry (BioLEC) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) is inspired by the way in which photosynthesis combines the energy of two or more photons to perform chemistry that is unlikely at equilibrium. We combine light harvesting and advances in solar photochemistry to enable unprecedented photoinduced cross-coupling reactions to valorize abundant molecules.


We are a multi-site EFRC established in 2018 with funding from the Department of Energy. We bring together people, expertise and resources from eleven universities and national labs across the United States:

Join Our Team

BioLEC Distinguished Postdoctoral Program

The BioLEC Distinguished Postdoctoral researcher program supports outstanding scholars whose research is related to chemistry, biology, and energy and the environment. The program provides a unique opportunity for postdoctoral fellows to develop their careers through independent and interdisciplinary research within the framework of the EFRC, while working with one or more research mentors who are experts in their fields. The highly collaborative environment of the center enables Distinguished Postdocs to work on cohesive projects that intersect with multiple research fields and utilize expertise from diverse areas.

For BioLEC, the Distinguished Postdoctoral program represents a core element of our approach to facilitating cross-group and institution collaboration through early career leadership. Appointees are chosen as not only excellent researchers, but for the leadership skills they have demonstrated through their research careers to date. They have one or more advisors in the center and promote collaboration on multi-PI projects by project managing and leading research to a timely conclusion. In addition, they provide leadership for the EFRC’s early career researchers and support the managing director by providing regular updates on research progress and feedback on early career researcher needs.

In addition to day-to-day research, specific duties for distinguished postdocs include:

  • Serving on the BioLEC early career researcher leadership committee, which brings provides feedback from our early career researcher community to the leadership of the EFRC.
  • Providing leadership and stewardship of highly collaborative projects within the EFRC, including scheduling and leading regular project meetings, ensuring research adheres to previously specified timelines, and providing regular updates on progress to center leadership.
  • Providing written project status reviews for inclusion in reporting materials for funders, including annual reports and midterm reviews.
  • Assisting with planning and execution of the center’s annual all hands meetings and early career researcher retreats both in person and virtually.

BioLEC is pleased to acknowledge the funding for the Distinguished Postdoctoral program, which is made possible through generous support provided by the Gerhard R. Andlinger Innovation Fund, the Princeton Office of the Dean for Research, the Frick Chemistry Department, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, under Grant No.: DE-SC0019370.


Diversity statement

We at BioLEC recognize the proven value of diversity in promoting creativity, innovation and excellence in science and society. We are continuously working to increase the benefits of inclusion in our Center through initiatives like our Distinguished Postdoctoral program, which has historically appointed more than 75% female or under-represented minority researchers, and we strive to provide a welcoming environment for all our members in which everyone can thrive across all our constituent institutions.

Contact us

Nagwan Ali, Project Coordinator

Princeton University; na3299@princeton.edu